video ads and banners

online video ads work for you 24/7

... for a lot less $$$ than you'd expect! 

A video ad or banner on Channel125* can be seen 

113,000 times in a single month!

to discuss getting your message  out to 

THOUSANDS of video viewers daily ...

for less money than you spend on lunch.

Just imagine the attention your business

could get from a video like this!

HotStuff segment filmed on site at Channel125 Studios, 2017.   

 in store videos     training videos     commercials

banner ads     & more

 Below the Fold Leaderboard 

You can find a live version of this banner at just below the video player.

This banner is stationary and can be linked to the URL of your choice. 

In-video Pop Up Banner

You can find a live version of this banner in select videos on .

This banner is linked to the URL of your choice and rotates with other pop up banner ads. 

Specific channels or videos can be targeted by pop ups at the advertiser's discretion.

End Roll Video Ads

An End Roll is a 10-15 second video advertisement for your business or event. End Rolls are NOT linked to URLs. They can be supplemented with Leaderboards if you like. also offers training videos, in store sales videos and dedicated video channels to help you make the most of your online video marketing efforts.
Submit your products for review on HotStuff!
Click on the HotStuff logo above to watch sample segments!

theARTofHYPE name and logo copyright 2009, 2013 

website content copyright 2009, 2013, 2017  theARTofHYPE

all other  images copyright by their respective owners

Web site design © copyright 2009, 2013, 2017

*Channel125 can be found at  Channel125  is part of the Network125 family.  

Viewership statistics based on website activity for the month of June, 2013.

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