
on your mark

Your logo is the graphic embodiment of your business: a simple design which represents your focus, your reputation and your level of accomplishment.  It may or may not have any concrete relevance to your business.  What does a golden arch have to do with hamburgers?  But your logo is the signature of your enterprise, the mark that sets you apart.  It is the face you put on your business.  We all know which shoe company uses the ‘swoosh’ or which domestic auto manufacturer displays a ram’s head.  What is your brand’s alligator?

font memories

Everything you print requires a choice of font.  The ones you choose can make your message easier to read [or harder].  Choose wisely.  Scripts are hard to read.  Serif fonts are hard to read.  Outline text is hard to read.  Fancy letters are hard to read.  Bold, sans serif fonts are easy to read.  The choice of the best font to represent your image and express your message can make a world of difference to your bottom line.   Consider the options.  Pick the one that works best for your particular situation.  What’s your type?

one, two, three

Controlling costs is a key element to maximizing profits, but only when it makes sense to do so.  One area where a little bit of practical thinking can save money and have no negative impact on profits is the choice of logo color.  Full-color printing can be exorbitantly expensive. A simple graphic in one or two colors is much less expensive to reproduce on business cards, stationery, signs and advertising materials.  And it is much easier to recognize in a range of sizes, and translates well via fax.  Coke managed to survive its one-color wave.  Your business can, too.

shape up or ship out

As important as they are, color, font and graphics are not the only issues to consider when creating your logo.  Shape plays a big role, too.  A design that is very rectangular (either vertically or horizontally) can be difficult to resize to suit the dimensions of ad space, business forms, signs and promotional items.  A balanced square or round orientation allows the greatest range without compromising the integrity of the design.  Can IBM, hp, Mercedes Benz, BMW, Nissan, Target, Shell, BP, Pepsi and Nationwide all be wrong?  Get yours in shape.

wear your art on your sleeve

Once you have developed your logo concept, use it everywhere.  It should appear on your business cards and your website, your forms and your signs.  Everything you give away should have that mark on it.  Shopping bags, t-shirts, bumper stickers, employee ID cards and checks should all carry the design.  Stop at Wendy’s for lunch and count the number of times you run across that logo: Bags, napkins, straws, cups, wrappers, condiments, etc.  Did Dave Thomas just like looking at it? Or does it help build the reputation of his hamburger franchise?  Hmmm.

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