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my sentiments exactly

Posted by Think Tank on Tuesday, April 29, 2014, In : brand building 
Naming your business is much like naming your child. There should be as much thought put into the moniker that you'll eventually register and forever be known as, as you would your precious offspring. This is a commitment--make it count. Start by making a list, and remember that while being unique in business is great, your name shouldn't be complicated, already trademarked, or easily confused with another company.

How to Name a Business

By David Waring

In the last article in our series on how t...

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Brand Building Gone Batty!

Posted by Think Tank on Friday, August 9, 2013, In : brand building 
I have mentioned many times that the building of a strong and consistent brand identity is critical to the success of any venture, no matter how big or how small.  Without a solid image it's easy for a rival to come along and steal your glory ... and your profits.
Over the decades, businesses across the globe have spent endless hours [and countless millions of dollars] perfecting their logos, color schemes and brand personalities.  Consumers identify with the brand, become confident in the int...
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 Is YOUR business

on the web?

Let's discuss some simple

and effective ways to

enhance your online image. 

Art Smith

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another Artrageous idea! One of several times I had the pleasure to share the company of Sir Elton John ... Supporting a great cause and helping out a small business at his Oscars Party in Hollywood. Let's discuss what I can do for YOUR business ...

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Art Smith

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