gimme 5

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September 16, 2012
One of the most exciting apps available to consumers today is FOURsquare.  Millions of tech-savvy individuals and businesses around the world have already discovered this brilliant blend of GPS-, Google Maps- and Facebook-like features ... Recording and commenting on their daily travels, leaving tips for future customers, and downloading pictures.  

I could ramble on for hours about what it os all about, but if you haven't tried it yet I would be wasting my time and yours.  Suffice it to say that FOURsquare is a very viable [and affordable] way to enhance your marketing presence ... locally, nationally and internationally.  

Let's discuss what FOURsquare can do for you .. and what other inexpensive yet effective ways you can improve your presence on the internet.  You can reach me any time of the day or night at: ... What are you waiting for?

More info on this and other business topics can be found on my website at .

5 ways to market your business online for free

September 27, 2009
  1. Craig's List
    Create a Craigslist account for your business and post something there several times a week under a variety of categories. Always include an eye-catching graphic, exciting headline and link to your website.

  2. MeetUp
    At the very least, create a MeetUp profile for your business. Include your logo and business-related photos. Write an interesting company bio. Include links to your favorite sites (including your own), and join groups whose interests are aligned with your own. Consider se...

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 Is YOUR business

on the web?

Let's discuss some simple

and effective ways to

enhance your online image. 

Art Smith

239 850 2728

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another Artrageous idea! One of several times I had the pleasure to share the company of Sir Elton John ... Supporting a great cause and helping out a small business at his Oscars Party in Hollywood. Let's discuss what I can do for YOUR business ...

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Art Smith

727 755 6969

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